Scott Schneider
I have removed the generator and fan housing from my engine. At that point I noticed internal damage to the old generator so a replacement was bought. These come with no pully or shims so make sure that you save all of the parts from your old generator. When removing the pully, make note of how many shims there are between the halves and to the rear. This will give you a good idea as to what “setting” the Beetle already had. You will also need to remove the fan from the other end of the generator. It has been awhile since I did this so bear with me.
Here are some pictures of the Vallejo Busfest held at the Solano Fairgrounds on August 17th, 2008. My bus is the yellow one with the Superman tire cover.
Here are some pictures of the Bug-O-Rama on May 5th, 2008 in Sacramento, CA. I’m still a “bus” guy, so the affinity is for Bay Window buses from the ’70s.